1. Strengthen the bottom of a cardboard box by placing a cardboard square of its size in it.
With the help of an adhesive tape (large tape) make the box completely airtight in places where two pieces of cardboard meet. Use as little tape as possible to optimize ventilation.
2. Place the box on a crate (or on the blocks) or in a suspension.
3. In the box, pour 60% of the mixture of brown carbonaceous material (coconut fibers or other vegetable fiber) and gray carbonaceous material (wood ash, vegetal charcoal, etc.).
You are not into the aesthetics of cardboard?
It is also possible to use a geotextile jar or bag. What matters is that the material is breathable and that the shape allows the compost to be handled.
The location
Place the compost box in a well-ventilated place where the temperature varies between 12 and 40 degrees Celsius. In winter, therefore, it is better if the cardboard is placed indoors, otherwise composting stops.
When composting for the first time, it may be interesting to place the compost bix on the windowsill or balcony, at least in a place that can be easily ventilated.Indeed, in case of practices unfavourable to microorganisms or other lack of care, the smell of humus can be replaced by a less pleasant smell...
However, the compost box should be sheltered in case of rain or cool temperature. Once the composting technique is well mastered, the compost box remains indoors, for example in the living room.